Friday 11 February 2011


AN HISTORIC day today in Egypt as the President Hosni Mubarak has resigned as leader.

After three weeks of public protests on the streets of the capital Cairo and in a number of other cities including Alexandria, the Vice President tonight announced that Mubarak had stepped down.

The country is now in control of the armed forces.

In just 18 days the people of Egypt have managed to overturn a government that has been in place for over 30 years.

It is reported that more than 1million took part in the protests today after Mubarak insisted that he would not step down.

The demonstrations followed events in Tunisia three weeks ago, where President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was forced out of power after mass demonstrations in the country's capital.

One of the most populated countries in the Middle East region, Egypt is entering a new era.

Will democracy finally take seed, with free elections? – At the moment it is too early to tell.

The events could be a beacon for democracy in the Arab world.

But the most important message they send to the world is that if enough people stand together united against repressive regimes or social injustices there is hope that change for the better can happen.

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