TODAY will probably feel like one of the longest days for Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. The campaigning is over, the sound bites silenced, the photo-calls complete, as it is now up to the public to decide who will win the election.
After a gruelling campaign in one of the closet and unpredictable elections for many years, voters will today reveal their choice. Will Cameron’s five-year journey of transforming the Conservative Party pay off? Will Brown’s fight to the end now finally come to an end once and for all, or will he manage to miraculously bounce back, again? And will Nick Clegg’s efforts to raise the profile of the Liberal Democrats change the political landscape for good, or will his party once again be squeezed in the polls by the big two?
Whatever happens, surely politics will not quite be the same again in Britain. As the polling stations close tonight at 10pm, we will start to get a picture of how the country has voted. After all the speculation of hung parliaments, minority governments, coalitions and backroom deals, the real answer to how the country is to be run for the next four years will be revealed. Only then will we, and the political parties, be able to breathe a sigh of relief or despair at the outcome.
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