Saturday 3 April 2010


With just days to go until the election is called, election fever is really ramping up. After Labour was lambasted in the press by business leaders who are against the proposed rise in National Insurance contributions [to the delight of the Conservatives], it seems as thought the fight for Downing Street is going to get messy.

But that shiny veneer on PR man Cameron appears not so glossy in the video below. Cameron is being interviewed but it’s not going to well. The TV friendly Dave is slipping up all over the place. He’s like a nervous teenage boy fumbling in the back of a T reg. Vauxhall Corsa, trying to undo a brastrap for the first time.

Is David Cameron really ready to lead the country if he can’t get through a simple TV interview? It’s not as though it was a Jeremy Paxman interview.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and thanks to Gavin for passing on the link to me.

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