Thursday, 8 October 2009


TODAY, David Cameron gave his closing speech at the Conservative Party conference. Against the backdrop of blue skies he announced that it would be a steep climb but the view from the summit would be worth it. He was talking about pulling through the recession but could the phrase be used in relation to the battle for victory at the next election?

The public haven’t really warmed to the Tories yet. The polls put them ahead of Labour, but it is not due to their policies and fundamental party beliefs. It’s more to do with the fact that Cameron is not Gordon Brown. Voters want change but some still probably fear the Tories.

With Cameron’s climb to the economic summit, it will be a lot steeper for some then it will be for others. It can be difficult to believe that ‘we are all in it together’ as George Osborne (shadow chancellor) hammed on in his speech earlier this week. Very difficult when the men who might be leading the country are ex-Etonians, with rather large bank balances. Obviously they wont be feeling the squeeze quite so much as the rest of us.

That’s the end for today, and the end of the conference season. Now the very long road to the general election begins.

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