Thursday, 3 September 2009


FIRST of all, welcome back from the summer and welcome to a slightly refreshed and newly re-named blog.

It has been a bit of a disappointing summer this year. The promised BBQ weather from the Met Office failed to ignite confirming that we now only have two seasons; the rainy, cold season and the very rainy, very cold season.

If you want to try and get a little sun and top up on your vitamin D the only way is to go abroad. It’s no use relying on the good old ‘British Summer’. I myself have just come back from a two-week holiday in Europe and there was something that really stood out to me. It wasn’t the continental cafĂ© culture, or the slower pace of the Mediterranean lifestyle. It was the amount of large people that I saw. I’m not talking about the odd paunch or bingo wings, I mean the almost obese. Weight has really become an issue.

I’m not trying to write this in an offensive or hurtful way, but the number of really fat people on the beach was shocking. People would sit and eat rubbish purely for sake of having something to do. This really wasn’t an expected sight on a Greek Island.

We, the west are consuming too much food, not only junk food either. It seems wasteful and counterproductive. It’s almost offensive to those in the world who do not have access to the amounts of food that we do.

Not only do we eat too much food we also waste too much as well. According WRAP (a quango who work to reduce waste) we throw out an estimated 6.7 million tons of food in the UK alone. This is a staggering amount and I am sure we are all guilty of throwing good food away. Love Food, Hate Waste, is a website which can give you recipes for left over food in your fridge. It may just be worth taking a look at before you start throwing out the almost off carrots at the bottom of your fridge.

Finally on another note, I must hold my hands up to the fact that I have been very bad at posting on this blog. When I started in 2008 I had intended to add a new entry at least every week. But as you can see from the vast white spaces below this hasn’t really happened. I have decided to set myself the task again, so it’s back to blog and watch this space. Hopefully it will be filled by next week.

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