Friday, 26 March 2010


Could Labour be in for disaster? With just weeks to go until an election is called calamity could be on the cards for Labour. RMT union rail workers have balloted to strike for four days from April 6 – the day Brown is expected to go to the Palace to dissolve Parliament and call an election.

If the strike goes ahead it will cause chaos nationwide, as the entire rail network could be forced to shut down. It could have a serious impact on Labour as the incumbent party in the polls. RMT leader Bob Crow seems to have carefully orchestrated this strike to do just that.

The question of whether the public would trust Cameron and his Tories to run the country still remains. In a poll on the BBC News website Conservatives only have a five percent lead over Labour. It seems that when the official campaign gets going it’s going to be a very dirty fight. Fingernails will be bitten right to the very end and not just Gordon Brown's.

Thursday, 25 March 2010


AFTER what has been a very long, but regrettable time away, it’s finally time to once more get ‘back to blog’.

In one sense, not much has happened since the last post. There certainly have been notable events, of course, but the country is still in limbo waiting for a general election to be called. Gordon is still determined to clutch onto the reigns of power until his last breath and Parliament has once again shown that it has not changed since last summers damaging expenses disaster.

The mucky head of the sleaze monster has truly raised its head over Westminster again. Like the dying days of the Major government, which was embroiled with sleazy dealings, Labour has been shamed by the press as former front bench minister were caught out trying to sell their expertise and political influence to lobbying firms.

It is important to point out that some caught out were Tory too, and also that all MP shouldn’t be smeared with the same dirty brush. But the scandal couldn’t come at a worse time. With possibly just weeks to go till an election could this damage Labour’s campaign? I don’t think so. The public already have a feeling of mistrust towards Westminster and this revelation, however big in the press, seems fairly minor and to some extent expected. I don’t think this will have given Cameron’s Tories the swing it needs to form the next government alone.

Whatever happens it seems as though the House will certainly get a good spring clean in the weeks to come.