TODAY Monday July 7 2008, marks the third anniversary of the July 7 terror attacks in London.
The suicide bombings on the capital’s transport network shocked the country and brought terrorism to our streets. 52 Innocent lives were cut short, families of those that were killed and people throughout the country were appalled by the act of senseless and callous murder.
Today though it would appear that terrorism is not the biggest worry on the streets, it is in-fact knife crime. So far 19 teenagers have been murdered on the streets of London this year alone, many of them stabbed to death. And the number killed increase week by week.
Just last week, the Metropolitan Police announced they were to make knife crime their number one priority. The Met aims to step up measures - like increased stop and search and the use of metal detectors - to rid the streets of knives. But sadly I don’t this will really have much effect. The root cause needs to be tackled.
So why has knife crime become so prevalent in our society?
The question is complex and not easy to answer at all. Of course it is easy to turn to the bad role models and blame them. But we need to take a closer look at the country we live in today.
We live in a broken society. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. We are obsessed with ourselves, and bettering our own lives. We want to work long hours or feel we must to get as much money as possible. Yet our family lives are becoming more no-existent. Our children spend more time in school then with their parents. And there seems to be a general lack of respect and trust for those in positions of authority.
I could go on, but maybe that should be left for another time.
So, it will not be an easy task to rid our streets of the sickening teenage killings. But we must try with all our might to do so to make our country a safer and free place to live. We must pick ourselves up and stand tall to defend what is right, just as we did after the events of three years ago today.